Metaversed’ 57 Miles reports on CyberExtruder launching an island that will get all the residents photo realistic first life like head skins. That is, if you supply a good photograph and 15 dollars. If you tag along on his guided tour tomorrow, you can even get free head a free head. Hmm, interesting, right?
My to do list:
- Take RL mug shot without distortion and harsh schading.
- Retouch RL head photograph in PS to my liking.
- Study SL body skin neckline.
- Retouch retouched RL head photograph by adding white and black spots to my RL skin carefully placing them so they match my SL skin´s neckline.
- Drag along on the trip.
- Get a Second Life head skin based on my retouched version of my retouched real life photograph.
Hmmm. Sounds a bit all to weird, no? I like the idea & technology, and I think for the RL to FL and reversed business peepz this might be handy, but for me? I like my b&w spots (rarely spotted in pink&white spots nowadays), my pale, collageen lips and faulty eye lashes.
Two One positive things about this according to Vint:
You get .jpg file for the head mailed to you. This means you can add make up, a tan, freckles, scars, … to your liking and just upload all the different versions. So a change of make up will only cost you 10L$. If anybody has an original .jpg file, *coughs* Mr. Miles? *coughs* I’d be glad to give it a try and promis you won’t end up looking like a panda. This also means that if you are a bit intelligent, which I assume you are if you were able to get off help island, you’ll give the CyberExtruder people a photograph without make up. Believe me if I say adding it in PS is way more easy then removing it. Ok, so the ‘editing plan’ works: proof and some more proof.
If this works well, the scoreboard on ‘options to make your avatar look just like your RL you for not to much money’: SL 1, Sony’s Home 0 (as far as we know). 😉 Nvm. Camron, why do you always spoil all fun? *sobs*